Let’s face it; we all know that there are effective ways to remove wrinkles if you want to spend a lot of money to do it. But many of us can’t afford to spend that extra money on fixing wrinkles. So, how do we go about regaining our youthful skin naturally?
Well, our first step is to identify anti aging products that will actually work to make us look younger. And believe it or not, these products do exist; they’re just not that easy to identify, and most of the time, you won’t find them in your local drugstore.
Here’s a tip: if you see mineral oil listed as an ingredient on an anti aging product, do not buy it. It indicates that the product is made using cheap ingredients, as mineral oil is one of the cheapest moisturizers that manufacturers can use.
Experts agree that in order for a cream or serum to effectively remove wrinkles, it must contain quality (not cheap) ingredients that will stimulate the healing and re-growth of the skin’s structural components.
It’s the degradation of these structural components that cause fine lines and wrinkles to form in the first place.
The skin matrix, composed of interwoven collagen and elastin bundles, provides the strength and firmness for the skin. When it is damaged, it loses strength which allows wrinkles to form. Fixing wrinkles begins with repairing the skin matrix.
But repairing the skin matrix isn’t as simple as slathering on creams containing collagen.
Any product that contains collagen as an ingredient won’t work anyway. Collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed through the skin. And if they can’t absorb through the skin, they can’t do any good.
The Best Products that Naturally Reverse Wrinkles
So, which products work to remove wrinkles?
Studies have shown that the products that reverse the signs of aging the best are ones that target aging on three different fronts. These products do the following:
* Stimulate the re-growth of collagen and elastin — These products contain special ingredients, like Functional Keratin, that stimulate the body to increase its natural production of collagen and elastin.
This is very effective at fixing wrinkles, because as collagen and elastin levels increase, the two substances are used to repair the damaged skin matrix. When the skin matrix is repaired, it regains its strength, and wrinkles disappear.
* Boost levels of hyaluronic acid — Referred to as the “key to the fountain of youth,” hyaluronic acid is what makes our cells voluminous and plump instead of flat and dull. It’s a “goo-like” substance that acts as a filler and glue to keep the collagen and elastin bundles together. In other words, it aids in giving the skin matrix strength and elasticity.
* Provide protection against oxidation — Scientific studies have shown that free radicals, which oxidize cells, can do huge damage to the skin matrix in a short amount of time. This is because free radicals steal electrons from other molecules, thereby creating more free radicals which then must steal electrons from other molecules. This creates a chain reaction which can severely weaken the skin matrix, resulting in wrinkles.
In conclusion, what I want you to take away from this article is the knowledge that in order to remove wrinkles, you must use a carefully chosen skincare product that fights different causes of aging for the best results.
If you’d like more information about anti wrinkle skincare or the latest in skincare research, I invite you to visit my website listed below.
Haley Hensley is very passionate about natural, anti-aging skin care and is dedicated to finding quality skin care products. Visit her site to learn about the quality skin care products to remove wrinkles she recommends after extensive research: http://www.your-favorite-skin-site.com
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