If the organic skin care products you’re looking at have an SPF rating on the label, make sure oxybenzone or benzophenone are not listed in the ingredients. If either is present, don’t buy the product!
They are in fact organic ingredients. But they are found to damage your DNA strands when exposed to sunlight. That makes them photo carcinogens. And photo carcinogens are cancer causing agents activated by UV rays from the sun.
That is totally backwards. Backwards because, well…, it’s just backwards. And two, organic is suppose to be good for you!
That’s just one example of how the word organic is misused and abused.
You’re Trying To Do The Right Thing
That’s probably why you shop for organic skin care products in the first place. To avoid weird ingredients or anything that could be harmful to you. And you probably buy organic foods too because organic farmers don’t use chemical pesticides or herbicides. You’re trying to live safe and healthy. You’re trying to avoid foods and products that are bad for you. I get it. I feel the same way.
Every day there’s growing evidence that exposure to synthetic chemicals, artificial preservatives and other additives play a role in many life threatening and chronic diseases.
You have enough to worry about with toxins in the air, the water, etc. The last thing you want is to expose yourself to those things when you’re getting yourself fixed up using lotion, shampoo, makeup, and other personal hygiene items.
And They’re Not Making It Any Easier For You – Abuse 2
The problem is this. There are a lot of companies that prey on our desires. One way they do that is by making misleading statements.
Twenty to thirty years ago, there was a demand for “herbal” products similar to the demand for organic products today. There was a line of shampoo that used the word herbal in their brand name. The problem was there were no herbs or botanicals in the product! They simply added synthetic fragrances that smelled like strawberries and other natural plants.
They were able to use that misleading brand name because there was not enough regulation. Jump ahead and cosmetic companies are still under-regulated, and that same kind of thing still happens.
The other part is no one really believed synthetic substances could harm your skin anyway, much less get into your skin. We now know that is definitely not true!
Is There Such Thing As An Unnecessary Organic Ingredient? – Abuse 3
Let’s say you’re looking for a wrinkle or anti aging cream. One of the most common ingredients is urea. It’s a natural occurring substance. It’s a waste product of plants and animals. It is also the primary component of urine.
It’s relatively non-toxic, although it does cause redness. The biggest problem is the only thing this ingredient has ever been proven to do is soften the soles of your feet. The point is this organic ingredient is unnecessary, as you can see.
You Have Expectations For Organic – And Rightfully So
Your mind automatically thinks “safe-healthy” when you see organic skin care products. As it should be. Buying organic is suppose to take the guesswork out of finding something good. But like the example with sunscreen, just because something is organic doesn’t mean its safe. Most herbal extracts are organic, but under certain circumstances they can be very toxic. See what I mean?
The Bottom Line
Organic skin care abuse is when you call something organic that isn’t really organic.
Companies that use lots of chemicals in their other products are likely to use at least some chemicals in their “organic” line also.
If you want to make organic skin care products, buy your ingredients from organic farmers that don’t use herbicides, pesticides, and such. Don’t include harmful or unnecessary organic ingredients just for “organic” sake. Simply put, don’t grasp for classification in the organic category by misleading anyone.
And if you want to buy organic skin care products, buy from companies that buy from organic farmers 100% of the time, and don’t need to pad their claim with unnecessary ingredients.
People often guess my age at 10 years younger than I am. I guess I’m doing something right. Look younger, live safer, and Be Healthier! There’s a reason you look older than you are. Find out more at http://www.HealthBySkincare.com. My best to you, Rachel Flanagan
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