What exactly is therapeutic skincare? Specifically, it is using quality skincare products that are rich in natural ingredients that target the actual causes of aging skin and dry skin.
A therapeutic skincare product should not contain any chemicals or synthetic ingredients. Listen, when you look at people who eat healthy, they eliminate the unhealthy processed foods along with anything that is not good for the body. It is the same thing with looking after your skin. You want to eliminate the chemicals and unhealthy substances from being applied to your body.
When choosing the best skin cream for your skin, take a look at the company that makes the product itself. Are they committed to making a safe product? Are they committed to using only the best natural ingredients? Are they committed to research and development in order to continue to improve their existing top of the line creams and lotions?
These are important questions to ask indeed. A cosmetic company that is strictly in it to make a profit is one that will use inferior ingredients or cheap and potentially harmful ingredients as well.
Ok, back to choosing an effective therapeutic skincare product! A cream that works effectively will work with your skin and body by targeting the specific causes of premature aging skin.
For example, one of the leading causes of premature aging is the loss of collagen and elastin. These are two essential proteins the skin needs to look and feel younger. So, a good skin cream will contain a natural substance that will help to stimulate the re-growth of collagen and elastin.
You cannot effectively apply collagen or elastin to the skin. It must be created by the body. So, if you see a product that claims to contain either protein, well let’s just say that it is only a marketing ploy.
Not everyone is lucky to have perfect skin. Many of us have to work at it that’s for sure. So, if you are like me and need a little help then use a safe natural cream to help reduce the signs of premature aging.
Now that you are armed with the knowledge of what a good therapeutic skincare cream can do for you,will you take action?
Get my free five-part mini course on choosing a skin care product that is right for you. This includes information on what causes fine lines and wrinkles as well as what you can do right now to reverse the aging process.
To sign up for the course and more tips on the importance of choosing the right anti aging cream, visit my website, http://www.thefacewrinkle.com
by Tara Mathews
How many times have you taken the time to check out the ingredients of a product and found out that it is genuine organic natural skin care? Most people would say never.
The term organic refers to products or anything that is produced without the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides.
Think of the skin care products as food for your skin and it is a necessity that they be as nutritious, healthy and natural as possible. It is basically the same kind of thing with the food you eat because you often find that eating genetically modified foods is not at all healthy.
That is the main reason why an effective organic natural skin care product will almost guarantee youthful, radiant and clear skin.
Active manuka honey, a unique type of honey harvested in New Zealand, is one example of an organic ingredient. We all know that honey has been used since ancient times for its wonderful healing properties.
A scientific study has shown that this manuka honey , when used topically, supports the skin’s own cell renewal process, and assists in the formation of stronger collagen; the protein in the skin that is responsible for its elasticity, hence, it has a dramatic anti wrinkle and lines effect.
Furthermore, active manuka honey has very high levels of anti oxidant activity that can help it fight against free radicals damage. And it has the ability to nourish and rejuvenate the skin because of its deep penetrating property.
Secondly, there is extrapone nutgrass root which can naturally lighten the skin. This ingredient grows ‘wild’ in India and its roots have been used in Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years.
Extrapone nutgrass can really safely lighten your skin without any kind of irritation whatsoever. It is 100% natural.
There are many more ingredients of all sorts of special properties or abilities that have been clinically proven to be very effective as they are at their most organic, are natural and safe to use just for your skin.
Visit the website below to discover tonnes of details on organic natural skin care.
John Lexon is a dedicated researcher of important issues that affect skin and health.
Visit his skincare website now at http://www.abc-skin-and-health.info to learn more about the skin care products that he recommends after extensive research.
Natural skincare products are becoming more and more popular with consumers, both men and women, because of the health benefits derived from using organic products. If you buy organic food at the grocery store, why not buy natural skincare products too?
Here are some tips for buying organic skincare products, whether youre male or female.
Why Choose Natural Skincare?
Many people are first led to natural skincare products because they have a skin ailment like eczema or acne and want to use organic products. All skin types, however, will benefit from using a natural skincare line of products because they arent made with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, artificial preservatives and fragrances, parabens. In addition, most arent animal tested.
However, not all skincare products labeled natural are equal. Unfortunately, there arent as many regulations for calling a product natural as there are organic. Therefore, when researching natural acne skincare products, for instance, read the companys mission statement and carefully examine their ingredients list. Truly organic, natural skincare companies will clearly state that their products are chemical and additive free.
What Type of Natural Ingredients to Look For
Natural acne skincare and natural skincare products should clearly list all ingredients (not just the active ones) on their product labels so you can be completely informed about what youll potentially put on your skin. The natural ingredients included in the skincare products should help your skin retain moisture, but also balance hydration so that your skin wont feel too dry or oily.
Other benefits should be antioxidants, which help fight free radicals that cause premature aging signs to appear on the skin and that also nourish the skin. Natural skincare products should also reduce irritation, particularly natural acne skincare, and soothe skin so it looks rejuvenated.
What to Look for in a Natural Skincare Company
When youre looking at a natural skincare company and their products, you should read the about us page and take some time to read and think about their skincare philosophy. Do they advocate high-quality, natural ingredients? Do they have a page that describes the benefits of all their ingredients? These are positive signs that the company takes natural skincare seriously.
Do they offer a wide range of natural skincare products, or do they have a few, one size fits all product line? Do they offer natural acne skincare and eczema skincare, as well as skincare products for men and women?
Men can often use many of the natural skincare products available for women, especially since most dont have a significant fragrance. Carefully read the label and determine which products will best suit your skin type, and read whether the product has a feminine fragrance that might not suit a man.
Women should also keep in mind their skin type and what skin problems need to be addressed. For example, are you interested in anti-aging properties or do you just want a solution for your extremely dry skin?
As long as you identify your skincare goals, both men and women will benefit from natural skincare products, provided you take the time to read about the company and dont just purchase the first products you see that feature natural in its product description.
Learn more about how natural skin care can nourish you at SkinOfLife.com, who is dedicated to creating the finest, all natural skin care products available.