Hi everyone, Hope your weekend was fabulous! I definitely enjoyed mine. So we’ve been talking about what you’ll need when making your own organic natural skin care products. We’ve discussed tools, jars, oils. In today’s article I’ll be going over herbs. I like this part. I think growing your own little herb garden is fun and a great way to add a little green somewhere in your life. Not only can you use them for cooking, you can use them for beauty products, too. You can control the environment and what goes into them. We know that herbs have been around forever and have been used for a ton of different things. They are medicinal, nutritional, full of flavor, definitely fragrant. Their cleansing and skin-pampering properties have been respected for many, many uses. So as we go along in making our own products and you come across a herb that you really like inform yourself about it and see what it requires, how you can get the most out of it, its current and historical uses, and what the books recommend for its uses. This is an excellent way to educate yourself and will help when making your own products. So all the herds, flowers, berries, seeds, barks, and roots we will be using will be easy to find and will be used in the dried form unless noted. If you’re growing your own herbs you may want to dry them yourself. If they are recently dried you’ll have maximum aroma, and nutrients, this will make your product incredible.
If you are drying herbs that you’ve grown there’s a few things you’ll need to know or remember.
*Always use a sharp knife or scissors when cutting your herbs. You’ll want to do this in the morning
*Harvest your roses, calendula, chamomile, or lavender when the bud is matured and the flower has recently opened
*Make sure you do not have any pests and disease on your herbs
*Avoid overdrying
*Dried herbs should be kept in a cool, dry place away fro sunlight. Glass jars, ziplock bags, plastic containers work well
When hanging your herbs to dry gather them together make a bundle and tie a string or use a rubber band to hold them together at the stems. You’ll need to hang them upside down in a well ventilated area, out of the sunlight. Ideally the temperature should be between 65-85 degrees. Don’t forget to label your bundles, and keep them separated. It may take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks or more to completely dry your herbs. If your drying roots and seeds they may take much longer due to their moisture content. When your herbs are dried they’ll be a little brittle, buds will feel dry and a bit crisp, roots will be pliable, and berries, seeds, and bark will be hard and dry. You can also use a screen to dry herbs or tightly stretched out netting. This will allow it to dry quicker, and you’ll want to use some cheesecloth to make sure the herbs stay debris free. Wrap the herbs in cheesecloth, then place in the netting. If you’re doing this outside make sure you check your weather!
When growing your own herbs, make sure they get the right amount of sunlight, water, and you are using good soil. It is the best way to get organic natural ingredients for your organic natural skin care products. I enjoy my herb garden and so do my family and friends! Have a great day and till next time OrganicBeautyGirl…
Author of the Organic Natural Skin Care blog
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I know one thing about skincare which is crucial. If I want to keep naturally firm skin, then I am going to have to choose the right skincare product. Easier said than done, but here are a few guidelines to help you.
We all look at young people with a certain envy and marvel at their smooth firm skin without any blemishes and how they effortlessly produce golden tans (not necessarily a good thing!). They have plenty of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid which enables them to have naturally firm skin.
As we age, these vital proteins diminish. In addition our skin is attacked by the free radicals which in turn inhibit skin cell renewal. We have to be careful about exposing ourselves to the sun, make wise choices about what we eat and drink and of course avoid smoking.
Keeping a naturally firm skin seems to come with a high price tag. But the good news is that there are now some ingredients in skincare products which are quite revolutionary and are worthy of much more publicity. So, unless you want to continue living under a rock, read the rest of this article.
Skin cell technology has now discovered some natural ingredients which will help to boost our collagen supplies. These can do this without using animal derived collagen such as bovine or marine ones and they can process them without the use of synthetic chemicals. Then there are other ingredients such as avocado oil which are great as natural moisturizers. Fortunately there is no longer any need to resort to surgical measures as these ingredients will do the job just as well for a fraction of the cost.
There is one ingredient which is a sort of functional keratin and which has been derived from sheep wool in New Zealand. This is specially processed and matches our own skin so well that it can not only penetrate it but it can also boost our own levels of collagen. That is a remarkable achievement. Let me tell you the other things that this substance can do.
It is a wonderful moisturizer, can refract light and makes your skin look younger. But its really remarkable quality is that of getting the collagen and elastin going again.
It contains zinc and copper protein complexes in small doses which have a healing effect on our skin and that can help with skin cell renewal too.
It is exciting to realize that this is just one of the ingredients designed to maintain naturally firm skin. It works in synergy with other ingredients such as Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 and also Phytessence Wakame which are remarkable in preserving HA and fighting the effects of free radicals.
Now you understand why this skincare range has had such success. To help you to find out where to buy it, I have prepared a website where you can learn a lot more about these fantastic products.
Tired of the same old worthless products that fail to live up to their promises? Discover some really effective ingredients used in cutting edge products to help you maintain naturally firm skin. William Colbert is a natural health enthusiast who has researched the best natural ingredients for a safe and effective skin care treatment.