The huge wave of going green has hit the skin care industry big time, coupling efforts of manufacturers for healthy, vibrant skin with environmental awareness and participation of their consumers. Products claim natural and organic, implying both to be the same, thus confusing the buyers.
What we should understand is that “natural” and “organic” are two different matters altogether. While natural means that one or some ingredients, or even the entire product are from nature, the product contents has not been grown organically. Also, the natural products sold mostly are still processed synthetically and often mixed with chemicals. Using the term “all natural” are simply strategies to lead users to think they are getting the better and environment-friendly product.
On the other hand, organic products from herbs and plants are those that were grown without use of chemicals, herbicides and pesticides. No chemical processing or additives are mixed with organic products and oils from organic plants were merely extracted to manufacture the product. In simpler terms, if a papaya skin care product was grown with any chemical, it is not acceptable to label with organic, but passes as a “natural” product. Manufactured beauty and cosmetic items with flashy signs of being natural could still have harmful chemicals that pose dangers to one’s health. It truly is important to know the difference.
Often, the word botanical is exploited as well, implying that ingredients used for certain products come from plants, herbs and trees. These items can be classified as natural, but they are not necessarily organic. Still, even organic products, like natural ones, induce allergic reactions to unknowing users. As there are no legal standards for usage of both “natural” and “organic”, and even claims of products being “botanical”, the public should be warned that such claims do not put them in safe grounds. It pays to check your allergies and know more about the products you use. Simple reading and research would be a great help when choosing products and most of all, consulting a health professional for proper advice is always best.
One helpful tip in choosing a skin care product is reading the label, where the most important component is placed on top of the list. Ingredients with the least prominence would be found at the bottom. When you see that the organic and natural ingredients are way below the list, better veer away from the product and find something else which is healthier for you and the environment.
When choosing the right skin care product for you, elevate your standard for personal health and environmental contribution by purchasing the natural with safe amounts of chemicals, and those that are strictly organic. Also mind that many chemicals in such products pose health risks for you and add detriment to the environment as well.
It truly is important to know the difference, and understand that what you use is friendly to Mother Earth as well. is the beauty and skin care journal with useful and interesting information about organic skin care, cosmetics, sports, beauty secrets and health tips.
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